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Ask Your Corsicana, Mansfield, Seagoville and Waxahachie Dentist: What are Dental Implants?

Having missing teeth can make you very self-conscious, particularly when you speak or smile. But, dentures or partials might not be the best solution, and not everyone has the necessary surrounding tooth structure for a bridge.

If you need to replace a damaged tooth or are missing teeth, dental implants can be an ideal solution. They provide a permanent base for replacement teeth, creating a long-term solution that is custom designed to meet your needs.

If you are wondering whether dental implants are right for you, here’s what you need to know.

What are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is an artificial root that creates a permanent base for bridges, crowns, dentures, or other forms of replacement tooth structure. A dental implant consists of a titanium post that is attached to the jawbone, an abutment (or connector for the replacement tooth), and the bridge, crown, or denture.

Based on their design, dental implants can be used to anchor a single replacement tooth or multiple connected teeth. They provide a durable solution for replacing missing or damaged teeth and can last a lifetime with proper care.

Why Choose Dental Implants?

Dental implants have the look and feel of natural teeth. They make it easier to chew so you can eat the foods you enjoy and improve the look of your smile. The replacement teeth are custom designed, ensuring a proper bite and color match to any surrounding teeth.

Typically, dental implants don’t require any special care either. As long as you brush and floss properly, and maintain your regular appointment with your Corsicana, Mansfield, Seagoville and Waxahachie dentist, you’re pretty much all set. However, if your case does require special care, your dentist or oral surgeon will be able to discuss this with you in advance.

Not only will you feel more confident after getting dental implants, but you’ll also be able to resume normal activities without having to worry about missing or damaged teeth.

What about the Cost?

The cost of dental implants varies from person to person, largely based on it being a customized form of dental care. Many insurance plans offer some level of coverage for dental implants, and financing options are also available.

Are Dental Implants Right for Me?

Every case is different, but dental implants can be a great solution for a wide range of people. If you have damaged or missing teeth that you’d be interested in replacing, your Corsicana, Mansfield, Seagoville and Waxahachie dentist can help you explore your options, ensuring you get the radiant smile you deserve.

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